The Square Kilometre Array: building the world’s largest radio telescope(‘s software)
Gabriella Hodosán
Konkoly Observatory

"The SKA telescopes are game-changers for radio astronomy: two world-leading, complementary radio telescopes on two continents, which will revolutionize our understanding of the Universe and the laws of fundamental physics."

I work as a software engineer and product owner of the SKA Science Data Processor. In this talk, I will tell you about what the SKA is and where we are with the construction. Then, I will briefly discuss the various science goals, which cover a wide variety of astronomical and astrophysical fields, especially focusing on the fields that are close to my heart (hint: exoplanets). Finally, I will describe the Science Data Processor, a software component of the SKA, responsible for generating science-quality data products; and will introduce you my team, a bunch of enthusiastic and skillful software developers and scientists who contribute to making sure that the SKA doesn't stay a dream but becomes a reality.

Here you can play back the presentation: