Publishing strategies in astronomy: a fresh look at the ever-changing landscape
László Kiss
Konkoly Observatory, CSFK, Hungary

As of October 1st, MNRAS is changing its business model to one which charges the authors 2310 EUR/article. In turn the journal will become fully Open Access with no subscription fees anymore. AAS Journals also charge the authors by the amount of information quanta and the articles are freely available. Compared to these, Astronomy and Astrophysics is becoming the only option for publishing "for free" for authors residing in member countries of A&A. Why is this whole topic so complicated? What can be done to optimize our professional visibility with the lowest costs? Shall we really pay tens of thousands of euros just to get our papers published in the most prestigious journals? What is prestige these days anyway? What about the predator publishers? Many-many interesting questions and here we want to present an updated overview of how scientific publishing has recently changed in astronomy and what are the implications, especially for early-career researchers.

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