Small scale solar magnetic fields as seen by MBPs:
Results obtained during my PHD and further beyond
Dominik Utz
Instituto de Astrofiscia de Andalucia/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Granada, Spain,
IGAM/Institute of Physics, Karl Franzens University, Graz, Austria

In this talk we will give a short insight into the basics of the Sun and then concentrate on small scale solar magnetic fields. It is well known that the dynamics and the activity of the solar atmosphere is due to magnetic fields and their interaction with the plasma. The global magnetic field of the Sun is generated by a solar dynamo believed to be localised in the tachoclyne. This global dynamo gives rise to the global activity and the solar activity cycle.

But magnetic fields are not restricted only to huge scales and huge field strengths but span down to the smallest and weakest elements. In this talk we concentrate on small scale elements with strong magnetic field strengths. These elements can be identified in filtergrams taken in special filters like the G-band, as so called Magnetic Bright Points (MBPs). We will give an overview about the motivation factors why to investigate these structures and then discuss in more details the new insights gained during the lecturer's PHD thesis work.