Pan-STARRS and the Upcoming Public Data Release

Heather Flewelling
Inst. for Astronomy, Univ. Hawaii

Pan-STARRS1 is a 1.8 meter survey telescope with a 1.4 Gigapixel camera,6 filters (grizy) located on Haleakala, Hawaii. It conducted several surveys between 2009 and 20014, 2 of which will be publicly released within several months. These 2 surveys are called 3PI and Medium Deep (MD). The 3pi survey covers approximately 30,000 square degrees, approximately 60 exposure per area, everything north of -30 degrees in declination, with extremely precise photometry and astrometry. The MD survey covers 70 square degrees, is deeper than 3pi, and has approximately 4000 exposures spanning 4 years. I will talk a bit about the public data release and what will be offered, and where and how to obtain the data. Next, I will talk about the status of Pan-STARRS 2, the current survey involving Pan-STARRS1 and 2 which will not be public, but which is very important for studies of NEOs. Finally, if I have time, I will talk a bit about my own research with variables stars within the MD fields. I attach our flyer I handed out at the IAU about the data release. You are welcome to send this around as well.