MHD Wave Propagation from Photosphere to Corona: How Is the Solar Atmosphere Heated? |
Erdélyi Róbert |
SP2RC, Sheffield University, UK |
Recent satellite (SOHO, TRACE, STEREO, Hinode, SDO) and ground-based (DST/ROSA, IBIS, CoMP, STT/CRISP) observations
have provided plenty of clear evidence of waves present in the solar atmosphere. The detection and analysis of these
waves allows us to perform sub-resolution solar magneto-seismology (SMS) of the solar plasma. First I will outline
the latest developments in solar MHD wave theory focussing on linear waves and the SMS tool.
Next, I will concentrate on the role of the various MHD waves, and will discuss the latest status on detecting them. Within the framework of MHD I will discuss their photospheric origin and generation mechanism. I embark on showing how MHD waves sail throughout the chromosphere, transition region or even into the corona. Finally, I will argue how the new observational data on MHD waves can be used towards solving the solar heating enigma. |