VVV: a deep look into our Galaxy, and beyond
István Dékány
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

The VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) is a large ESO public survey of the Southern Milky Way (http://vvvsurvey.org). It is aiming to provide a deep near-infrared atlas of the bulge and an adjacent part of the mid-plane in 5 passbands, and time-series photometry of a billion point sources with a time-base of at least 5 years. In the first part of the talk I will describe the design, immediate scientific goals, observations, data processing, and current status of the VVV Survey. In the second part, I will share interesting new results and discoveries made by the VVV Science Team, and outline some important future prospects. These cover a huge variety of projects, ranging from Solar System studies to the mapping of the Galactic structure, and from the search for variable stars to the census of background galaxies and high energy sources.