Uncertainties in radioactive nuclei evolution: from the ISM to the Early Solar System
Andrés Yagüe López
Konkoly Observatory

Short-lived radionuclides (SLR) are a useful tool to bridge the gap between ISM and Solar System abundances. In particular, studying the ISM abundance uncertainties of SLR allows us to understand better two timescales associated with the formation of solids in the Early Solar System: the isolation time and the time from the last event. In this talk I present our previous and recent work in the methodical quantification of these uncertainties. First, I talk about the uncertainties associated with the galactic evolution. Then, about the uncertainties associated with stochastic temporal additions of a single SLR. Finally, I conclude with the uncertainties associated with a ratio of two SLR, as well as an overview of our current and future research on this topic.

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